Founded: 2009 City: Espoo
This company is older than 10 years and is no longer applicable to the trending list
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Networks and experience of 6000 advisors at your disposal for global expansion, acquiring funding...
The Boardio platform enables companies to find advisors that fit their needs. With Boardio, companies have access to 6000+ advisors from 100+ countries. These people are willing to advise companies in any area of business like financing, strategy and management, marketing, sales and growth. Boardio can also help you find investors for your company.
With our Turnkey service we typically find 10 - 20 advisors for each company. These advisors have suitable background and interest to work with the company. Company and advisor are free to agree on all details related to the advisory work directly themselves.
Using Boardio is free both for companies and individuals. Premium packages with enhanced features are also available.
To get started as an advisor, sign up ( with your LinkedIn details.
To hear more about our services for companies, book a free call with any of our representatives
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