Flexound Systems

Founded: 2013 Category: Hardware & Devices City: Espoo

This company is older than 10 years and is no longer applicable to the trending list

“A VIBRATION SENSATION” – Darryl Wilkinson, Sound & Vision magazine LET YOUR SKIN DO THE LISTENING. Flexound Augmented Audio adds the sense of touch to audio-visual listening experience – be it music, games, television, streaming or movies. We enhance your customer experience by integrating our patented Flexound Augmented Audio technology module into car seats, theater seating, furniture, gaming devices – or wherever personal 3D surround immersion adds value. Flexound Augmented Audio Technology is cost efficient, scalable and easy to integrate. LETS CO-INVENT. If you work in: ·Automotive/vehicles ·Furniture ·Home and out-of-home entertainment ·Gaming industry Contact us today to take your business to the forefront of augmented audio revolution. AUGMENTED AUDIO. NOW. Try the Flexound technology right away with the consumer pilot product HUMU Augmented Audio Cushion. Order now at our webstore (to Finland): humu.fi/shop “HUMU is the real deal – one of those magical products that I always hope to find at CES. A product that is unusual, cool, compelling, and ready to ship.” - Darryl Wilkinson, Sound & Vision magazine



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