Rank | S100 index | Change | Change % | Business ID | |
867. (-3) | 61 | -5 | -7.57 % | 3386508-6 |
Founded: 2023 Category: SaaS/Business Software City: Helsinki
Initially helping students improve their CVs and providing career counselling we were able to notice the huge benefit that students were getting with more opportunities being offered to them.
Hanki transformed into its current form when we started directly referring our students to companies, who noticed that there was a consistent stream of talented individuals available for job openings. We decided to incorporate a close cooperation with partnering companies, working with both sides of the recruitment process.
We make every step of the process easy, accessible and transparent for our students and partnering companies and thrive in the ever-changing world of recruitment. Our organisations success is driven by the passion and energy of Finnish student culture and the strong reputation we build in our interactions.