
Founded: 2012 Category: Hardware & Devices City: Espoo

This company is older than 10 years and is no longer applicable to the trending list

Hitseed is the company behind Sensor Computing. Sensor Computing: Seednodes are intelligent and independent sensor computers. They collect, analyze and store huge amounts of sensor data completely autonomously using on-board “small data analytics", minimizing the need for data transfer and reliance on external infrastructure. Computed results are transferred wirelessly via Bluetooth LE for further processing in the cloud. SeedNodes can communicate also with each other via a “mesh network”. 100x productivity boost: Seednodes enable development@Internet speed. Seednodes are programmed using extremely powerful and flexible LUA-based script-system, reducing the code development time from months to days. Our modern tools and software assets allow seamless and automated interplay between the local intelligence, mobile devices, and a cloud-based back-end. Superior, differentiating end products: Seednodes minimize Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and enable superior, evolving product experience. Seednode hardware is designed for commercial products and can be extended easily for various needs. Seednode-based products operate years on batteries and are updated wirelessly, so they do not require physical interaction, interruptions, or software installations. Sensor computing and wireless script-based updates allow advanced offline features and changing the functionality dynamically. Seednode –based products can evolve with app-like feature updates without changes in the hardware.



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