Medicortex Finland

Founded: 2014 Category: Health & Medical Technology City: Turku

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Medicortex Finland Oyj is a biotechnology company dedicated to developing diagnostics and treatments for acute neurodegenerative conditions, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussion. The company is currently focusing on the development of a rapid test, based on a proprietary biomarker, for detection of TBI and concussion. Medicortex was founded by Dr. Adrian Harel in Turku, Finland, in 2014 and it operates as a public limited company. Dr. Harel has a track record in business management and leadership of early-stage biotechnology companies. ---- Kuvaus suomeksi: Medicortex Finland Oyj ( on bioteknologian alan yritys, joka on keskittynyt parantamaan tapaturmaisten aivovammojen (TBI) diagnostiikkaa ja hoitoa. Yrityksen nykyinen painopiste on kehittää biomerkkiaineisiin perustuvaa diagnostiikkaa, jolla pystytään arvioimaan aivovamman laajuutta ja vaikeusastetta.


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