
Rank S100 index Change Change %   Business ID
384. (+15) 266 12 4.72 % 2879601-2

Founded: 2018 City: Turku

Boreal Bioproducts® creates a positive platform for bio-based chemistry. Circular, multi-functional, upcycled and even active biopolymers and compounds can transform the ingredient markets worldwide, with applications such as coatings, binders, adhesives, resins, paints, cosmetics, personal care, detergents, additives, and composites. Boreal Bioproducts is a B2B company at the forefront of sustainability and wood-based bioeconomy. The mild production process is based on pressurized hot water extraction (PHWE) without chemical solvents. This enables scalable, robust, zero-waste, and cost-effective production of natural fractions with minimal environmental impact. Since the products replace fossil ingredients, significant CO2 emissions are avoided. Our business model focuses on utilizing existing side streams. Thus, there is no need to harvest trees to produce our materials. Steady access to certified and renewable feedstock – sawdust and bark, among others – is secured all year round. Unlike crop-based ingredients, Boreal Bioproducts® spruce extracts do not interfere with the food production chain.


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