Founded: 2013 Category: SaaS/Business Software City: Oulu
This company is older than 10 years and is no longer applicable to the trending list
Qlu specialises accessibility solutions and services for hearing impaired. We have developed technology that helps to visualize the hearing environment in different types of venues from concert halls to meeting rooms. With our technology venues can provide the best possible hearing experience for the hearing aid users.
Our services will help society to fulfil the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities concerning the accessibility of public venues for hearing impaired persons. We help property owners offer equivalent accessibility and acoustic environments for all users.
Together with our international partners we measure the operational quality of induction loops in public venues and when needed instruct how to repair the system. By publishing induction loop quality-maps of venues on our global Web-portal we help hearing aid users identify venues with good hearing environments.
Qlu tarjoaa hyvän kuulemisen ratkaisuja. Qlun laatukartoitusmenetelmän avulla induktiosilmukoiden toimivuus tehdään näkyväksi. Näin huonokuuloiset löytävät ne tilat, joissa induktiosilmukoiden toimivuus on varmistettu. Kuuluvuuden paraneminen lisää viihtyvyyttä ja parantaa kommunikaatiota. Hyvin toimiva induktiosilmukkajärjestelmä parantaa myös asiakaskokemusta.