
Rank S100 index Change Change %   Business ID
447. (+118) 230 38 19.79 % 2934271-7

Founded: 2018 Category: Health & Medical Technology City: Espoo

Taika3D was formed out of the desire to accelerate the process of O&P design. With a growing demand for custom O&P devices, design time became a barrier to supplying custom devices and scaling up the company. A revolutionary method for production was needed, taking into account speed and precision. This was the genesis of Taika 3D, creators of a design automation system to mass-produce custom-fitted, individually designed O&P devices. Our two guiding principles are: ✔ Enable O&P users to access excellent custom designs to improve their outcomes ✔Enable providers of custom devices to efficiently deliver excellent products and scale their business Taika3d’s three technological innovations: custom scanning solutions, 3D machine vision and TaikaCreate automation (cloud) platform allow O&P laboratories to employ the design freedom of 3D design for mass customisation while: ✔ reducing design time by 95%+ ✔ reducing errors and returns ✔ creating a scalable production system ✔ providing consistent designs for complex challenges ✔ integrating with existing milling and carving processes ✔ allowing complex 3D printing designs Our technology and software enables the design of 1000s of custom designs every week for users in Europe and North America. Our customers are manufacturers and distributors of orthotics and prosthetics. We’d love for you to be part of our growing list of manufacturers and suppliers. Get in touch. Together, let’s unleash the magic of Taika3D’s products and services: hello@taika3d.com



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