Uute Scientific

Rank S100 index Change Change %   Business ID
289. (+34) 310 18 6.11 % 2988085-7

Founded: 2019 Category: Health & Medical Technology City: Lohja

Uute Scientific Oy is the company that drives towards a “Life without immune-mediated diseases”, such as diabetes 1, allergies and asthma. These immune-mediated diseases have become a large problem worldwide. They are caused by our modern and urban lifestyle. Us drifting away from nature with its microbial diversity has made our immune-system weaker. Especially during childhood, when it is being developed. Uute Scientific Oy owns the trademark called Re-Connecting Nature™. It is the microbial extract, which brings that microbial diversity of natural environments back to children and helps them in the development of a strong immune system. We as Uute Scientific Oy are making the Re-Connecting Nature™ extract available for families with young children through several standard consumer products. We co-operate with consumer goods- as well as substance production companies. Our science shows that the Re-Connecting Nature™ extract works and is safe. Re-Connecting Nature™ extract connects to nature!



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